Psychology and the web

Psychology and the web By Team Arrk Thought Leadership 7 mins read As the web proliferates and we interact with it in numerous ways, we need to be aware of the importance technology plays in satisfying human needs when interacting with a web application. There is another aspect that we perhaps do not pay as…

Continuous Delivery | A Guide

Continuous Delivery | A Guide By Team Arrk Thought Leadership 4 mins read The pressure is on companies to become real-time businesses with a host of trends throughout the software industry focusing on the reaction capabilities of firms. This ranges from feedback and monitoring to built-in testing and continuous integration. Now, as organisations attempt to…

Fail Fast, Fail Often | Explained

Fail Fast, Fail Often | Explained By Team Arrk Thought Leadership 4 mins read Described in The Globe and Mail as “the stupidest business concept of all time”, fail fast, fail often may be seen as a fast-track to bankruptcy among those who haven’t grasped the notion. However, among many leading start-ups and innovators, the…

Test Driven Development | A Guide

Test Driven Development | A Guide By Team Arrk Thought Leadership 5 mins read Developed back in 2003, test driven development (TDD), also known as test design development, creates an evolutionary approach to development centring on test-first implementations in which you write the minimum amount of production code that will allow you to then fulfill…

Handling Non-Functional Requirements in Agile

Handling Non-Functional Requirements in Agile By Team Arrk Thought Leadership 4 mins read During the days when waterfall methodology was in vogue, Non-functional Requirements (NFR) testing was generally the last step before application delivery. For the testers, the entire application offered a complete view of application to test NFRs elicited by the analysts from the…

Empowering the Agilist

Empowering the Agilist By Team Arrk Thought Leadership 4 mins read The core elements of being Agile are the spirit of ongoing collaboration, self-management and empowerment of the team to achieve product development goals. The same can be derived from the lean philosophy of software development i.e. one of its seven principles (i.e. Empower the…

How safe is the cloud? Security in the cloud

How safe is the cloud? Security in the cloud By Team Arrk Thought Leadership 4 mins read It was back in September, 2014, when cloud security was placed under the microscope following a breach of Apple’s internet storage service. Many celebrities, including the likes of Jennifer Lawrence, had intimate photographs stolen from the iCloud, prompting…